and remember kids; #Satanists and #Pagans are not the same thing. People make fun of people to make themselves feel better even if it's just making themselves laugh but some people can be really really cruel and only funny to them but literally painful to other people. There are some pagans that are like all about dark, gloomy, and evil but most arent. Not all niggers are black and not all blacks are niggers. Same fucking shit.
and remember kids; #Satanists and #Pagans are not the same thing. People make fun of people to make themselves feel better even if it's just making themselves laugh but some people can be really really cruel and only funny to them but literally painful to other people. There are some pagans that are like all about dark, gloomy, and evil but most arent. Not all niggers are black and not all blacks are niggers. Same fucking shit.
i also still believe christmas and halloween should be switched. While I don't believe Jesus was the actual son of a god, he did something so big they changed the calendar and there was the starting of a new era. His actual birthday was closer to October 31st than it is to December 25th. He could have definitely been the son of an alien and that's when they picked up on the abductions. Give the pagans back the winter solstice. They're not worshiping evil spirits.
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