and also joseph robinette biden jr has a severe mental illness and its specifics says he should have never even been vice president and by a technicality whether on purpose or not he is a MILD child molester (the video clips only clipped, not perfectly timed screencaps) and he did commit a form of sexual assault, multiple times and i would rather a dirty mouth than dirty hands and while both joe and donald's mouths and hands are dirty, biden's mouth is like toxic and not the addicting kind of toxic.
and also joseph robinette biden jr has a severe mental illness and its specifics says he should have never even been vice president and by a technicality whether on purpose or not he is a MILD child molester (the video clips only clipped, not perfectly timed screencaps) and he did commit a form of sexual assault, multiple times and i would rather a dirty mouth than dirty hands and while both joe and donald's mouths and hands are dirty, biden's mouth is like toxic and not the addicting kind of toxic.
New comers may be coming. For the record, I hate no one. I take HUUUGE offense into what they did with the transgender and sexual preference thing. This was all because of FOX News and BRUCE Jenner. On the fucking news, why would you give HIM serious publicity. Remember "kids," there are only 2 genders. The whole point of genders is reproduction. As long as it's consensual and age appropriate no one (important in america at least) actually gives a fuck and it's private. They give a fuck about the kid because that's an added pebble to the stone shiner but even with straight sex not every time is going to get to pregnant and it's no real guarantee the fertilized egg is going to stick. Gender and Sexual preference are not the same thing. They relate to each other but not really that much. Like super super super distant cousins. I just want to get that clear. I may give looks but until you say something super super wrong i'll be polite which is the opposite of what "you're" (hypothetically speaking) doing. I also know some people just have certain shapes and they arent good at "dolling" themselves up or just dont care. O.O
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