the hpv vaccine commercial on #hulu is fucking disgusting and so are the ones for the other drugs. You cannot vaccinate against cancer. That's what they're using now for sterilization and it's all a lie and i predict suicide in the people doing the commercials. It is not legal to do video advertisements and crap like that for prescription drugs or vaccines. Your blood type, diet, environment, stress level, and age all have effects on the affects any drug will have on you and a vaccine is a drug. Again, cancer can't be vaccinated against and the only 100% way to prevent it is to block off the cell from ever touching anything. Almost like freezing it but more like (not exactly, just for comparison) sealing it in epoxy. If it's specifically the ovaries and uterus they're targeting regardless if whether or not they're giving it to males too, it's intention is to sterilize and it's like a huge ass crack head (dr. tedro maybe?) is trying to increase the real witch hunt. The #UN needs to leave #WHO and join #NC, #NonagarchicCommunacracy. Skip over America and make it global and America can't fight back that well but i doubt there'd be much of a fight because to a degree it's like basically the same thing as american democracy and laws or rather how they should be minus congress and the vice president and dissecting the presidential slot to 9 but also increasing the time in between elections where they'll have ads AND i give more rules to other shit which will effect the ads.
the hpv vaccine commercial on #hulu is fucking disgusting and so are the ones for the other drugs. You cannot vaccinate against cancer. That's what they're using now for sterilization and it's all a lie and i predict suicide in the people doing the commercials. It is not legal to do video advertisements and crap like that for prescription drugs or vaccines. Your blood type, diet, environment, stress level, and age all have effects on the affects any drug will have on you and a vaccine is a drug. Again, cancer can't be vaccinated against and the only 100% way to prevent it is to block off the cell from ever touching anything. Almost like freezing it but more like (not exactly, just for comparison) sealing it in epoxy. If it's specifically the ovaries and uterus they're targeting regardless if whether or not they're giving it to males too, it's intention is to sterilize and it's like a huge ass crack head (dr. tedro maybe?) is trying to increase the real witch hunt. The #UN needs to leave #WHO and join #NC, #NonagarchicCommunacracy. Skip over America and make it global and America can't fight back that well but i doubt there'd be much of a fight because to a degree it's like basically the same thing as american democracy and laws or rather how they should be minus congress and the vice president and dissecting the presidential slot to 9 but also increasing the time in between elections where they'll have ads AND i give more rules to other shit which will effect the ads.
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