Bill Clinton is a scum bag. Hillary Clinton is trash. Joe Biden is a dumb scum bag. Jill Biden is a horrible doctor. Donald Trump is not great at all and his moves were stupid especially that wall that did and will do nothing. 50+ years ago it would slow them down slightly. Now? tech for digging and all that shit? HAHAHAHHA. Welcome to the new millenia you old fuck. And Kamala is just fucking retarded. That's definitely Gavin Newson since he paid a shitload to her and a few weeks later she dropped out and became the VP nominee instead. They probably also helped cause the pandemic and all the riots because it is really obvious and they had to distract.
Bill Clinton is a scum bag. Hillary Clinton is trash. Joe Biden is a dumb scum bag. Jill Biden is a horrible doctor. Donald Trump is not great at all and his moves were stupid especially that wall that did and will do nothing. 50+ years ago it would slow them down slightly. Now? tech for digging and all that shit? HAHAHAHHA. Welcome to the new millenia you old fuck. And Kamala is just fucking retarded. That's definitely Gavin Newson since he paid a shitload to her and a few weeks later she dropped out and became the VP nominee instead. They probably also helped cause the pandemic and all the riots because it is really obvious and they had to distract.
I wonder if ellen i mean elon is going to be super broke or just bankrupt soon. Minds are starting to clear up again. CNN and Fox News, ABC News, CBN News, etc are going to be going bankrupt too. I really hope there are enough people that didnt fall for either the trump, biden, or clinton bullshit. Obama has his bullshit too but his shit is included in the clinton and biden shit. Never did I actually and seriously wish death upon people until the Clinton-Trump election and no, the world was NOT in peace with donald trump. There were still wars going on that never stopped. As stated before, world war 3 CANNOT HAPPEN. Not yet. The Holocaust happened but World War 2 did NOT happen. World War 1 never ended. There was what, 20 years between the 2? Nah bro. World War 1 is still going on.
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