Blahhh. So i wont be editing this site for a bit. Having a lot of bad luck with computers. May go down to am4 and ddr4 and put the others aside until i get to my next home cuz this place really sucks and so much offense do i take to chris sr. saying this place was perfect for me. Omfg. Not to mention im really fucking short and its really tall. Its on the 3rd fuckong floor. The holes that were here before we moved here. Omfg and so much more but yeah. The site is the way it is until i can fix it. I can still ban so dont be dicks or chodes please.
- Keke aka uzimadmin
- Keke aka uzimadmin
Blahhh. So i wont be editing this site for a bit. Having a lot of bad luck with computers. May go down to am4 and ddr4 and put the others aside until i get to my next home cuz this place really sucks and so much offense do i take to chris sr. saying this place was perfect for me. Omfg. Not to mention im really fucking short and its really tall. Its on the 3rd fuckong floor. The holes that were here before we moved here. Omfg and so much more but yeah. The site is the way it is until i can fix it. I can still ban so dont be dicks or chodes please.
- Keke aka uzimadmin
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