• yup and any professional would agree she's not a good business owner and her whole thing was basically built on donations. Massachusetts is fucked up but when it comes to labor at least they used to be more protected. And even then 21, which i'm sorry to the responsible 18, 19, and 20 year olds but not until the age of 21 should they be allowed to work. Christian/Catholic, Jewish, Islamic and so on churches should all be shut down and converted into recreational centers for all ages with cops and crap...free except for food and drinks other than water. They could have an old school blockbuster type deal there but the videos and crap dont leave the premise....etc. #NonagarchicCommunacracy
    yup and any professional would agree she's not a good business owner and her whole thing was basically built on donations. Massachusetts is fucked up but when it comes to labor at least they used to be more protected. And even then 21, which i'm sorry to the responsible 18, 19, and 20 year olds but not until the age of 21 should they be allowed to work. Christian/Catholic, Jewish, Islamic and so on churches should all be shut down and converted into recreational centers for all ages with cops and crap...free except for food and drinks other than water. They could have an old school blockbuster type deal there but the videos and crap dont leave the premise....etc. #NonagarchicCommunacracy
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1110 Views 0 Reviews
  • so like, in #nonagarchiccommunacracy you can't get a job until you're 21 but also #highschool lasts 4 more years. At least lunch and some AC is provided or should be and that should be looked at and might also bring down school violence. Heat can make you violent and Texas especially it can be hot in jan or feb. And then, there are ways to filter the exhaust to make it healthy and when it's cooler not colder you can concentrate better and remember more to change the filters or make it a specific job however many days between regardless of whether or not the filter is full.
    so like, in #nonagarchiccommunacracy you can't get a job until you're 21 but also #highschool lasts 4 more years. At least lunch and some AC is provided or should be and that should be looked at and might also bring down school violence. Heat can make you violent and Texas especially it can be hot in jan or feb. And then, there are ways to filter the exhaust to make it healthy and when it's cooler not colder you can concentrate better and remember more to change the filters or make it a specific job however many days between regardless of whether or not the filter is full.
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1084 Views 0 Reviews
  • So, instead of trying to bring their self esteem about their bodies up just lie to them and parade them around like village idiots? There's ways to handle obesity without offending and being a bitch. It is such a shame. It's also not politics, it's medicine and reality. Politics isnt reality. It's what one thinks reality should be like and how they want to make it that way. And then #nonagarchiccommunacracy
    So, instead of trying to bring their self esteem about their bodies up just lie to them and parade them around like village idiots? There's ways to handle obesity without offending and being a bitch. It is such a shame. It's also not politics, it's medicine and reality. Politics isnt reality. It's what one thinks reality should be like and how they want to make it that way. And then #nonagarchiccommunacracy
    Pride is sexist. It's also a form of sexual harassment. Like that cart with the stuffed penises. I dont understand how their's is an opinion and they can blast it, but mine is fact and i cant. It's not opinion and they turned it into politics and I told her about the nazi flag but customers came in so i didnt get to finish. K, so BLM how they were using everyone for fools, the Pride and sex shit it's the same deal and they're abusing people. Sex is a personal matter and the only time gays got shit for it for real was when they were public about it. Other wise it would have happened whether or not they were homosexual because the one or ones who did the beating(s) just didnt like that person, had their own issues, and would have found any other reason. I pray the tranny holocaust comes soon.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1114 Views 0 Reviews
  • I wonder if i should post the first #nonagarchiccommunacracy because I still have that somewhere. Maybe on youtube and then more attacks and my mom can bitch all she wants and it's stupid but it's actually a big deal my shit got taken down. Like given MY position, it's a fucking HUGE deal...yo.
    I wonder if i should post the first #nonagarchiccommunacracy because I still have that somewhere. Maybe on youtube and then more attacks and my mom can bitch all she wants and it's stupid but it's actually a big deal my shit got taken down. Like given MY position, it's a fucking HUGE deal...yo.
    how the fuck is Chris Sununu still governor? And yet again a fucking idiot and judging from his face I'd say a heavy drinker,
    6 Comments 0 Shares 808 Views 0 Reviews
  • Example on the shame: #Pedophiles I will still kill given the right opportunity and I would sign up, if i knew where, to flip the switch because I believe having sex with people under the age of 18 (for now, 21 once I get #nonagarchiccommunacracy more well known) when you're over the age of 25 should be death penalty worthy. Age matters because your body matters and the prefrontal cortex and pituitary glands are developing and the naturally introduced hormones are causing reactions in the body because it's getting used to it but the cells know that's supposed to happen so it has a different and less violent effect than the artificial hormones do.
    Example on the shame: #Pedophiles I will still kill given the right opportunity and I would sign up, if i knew where, to flip the switch because I believe having sex with people under the age of 18 (for now, 21 once I get #nonagarchiccommunacracy more well known) when you're over the age of 25 should be death penalty worthy. Age matters because your body matters and the prefrontal cortex and pituitary glands are developing and the naturally introduced hormones are causing reactions in the body because it's getting used to it but the cells know that's supposed to happen so it has a different and less violent effect than the artificial hormones do.
    Still alive, sorry LGBTQ....and more of the bullshit #pride which is actually the opposite of pride because if you include that T and some of the Q it's not pride. It's a combination of #denial and #shame. Even animals have certains locations they breed/have sex. It's not out in the open EXACTLY....its in a remote location like humans and behind closed doors and there wouldnt have been issues if they had kept their mouths shut. Marriage is wrong. ALL MARRIAGE, not just gay marriage. It's about property and money, not about love just like Christmas isnt about being good all year and getting presents for it. Not even the winter solstice was about that and I'm not falling for the bribe. I pray to the Universe the Pride Festival gets down-poured out.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1281 Views 0 Reviews
  • https://checkyourfact.com/2019/04/15/fact-check-facebook-thomas-jefferson-obligated-disobey-unjust-laws/ i win because #nonagarchiccommunacracy
    https://checkyourfact.com/2019/04/15/fact-check-facebook-thomas-jefferson-obligated-disobey-unjust-laws/ i win because #nonagarchiccommunacracy
    3 Comments 0 Shares 1123 Views 0 Reviews
  • the hpv vaccine commercial on #hulu is fucking disgusting and so are the ones for the other drugs. You cannot vaccinate against cancer. That's what they're using now for sterilization and it's all a lie and i predict suicide in the people doing the commercials. It is not legal to do video advertisements and crap like that for prescription drugs or vaccines. Your blood type, diet, environment, stress level, and age all have effects on the affects any drug will have on you and a vaccine is a drug. Again, cancer can't be vaccinated against and the only 100% way to prevent it is to block off the cell from ever touching anything. Almost like freezing it but more like (not exactly, just for comparison) sealing it in epoxy. If it's specifically the ovaries and uterus they're targeting regardless if whether or not they're giving it to males too, it's intention is to sterilize and it's like a huge ass crack head (dr. tedro maybe?) is trying to increase the real witch hunt. The #UN needs to leave #WHO and join #NC, #NonagarchicCommunacracy. Skip over America and make it global and America can't fight back that well but i doubt there'd be much of a fight because to a degree it's like basically the same thing as american democracy and laws or rather how they should be minus congress and the vice president and dissecting the presidential slot to 9 but also increasing the time in between elections where they'll have ads AND i give more rules to other shit which will effect the ads.
    the hpv vaccine commercial on #hulu is fucking disgusting and so are the ones for the other drugs. You cannot vaccinate against cancer. That's what they're using now for sterilization and it's all a lie and i predict suicide in the people doing the commercials. It is not legal to do video advertisements and crap like that for prescription drugs or vaccines. Your blood type, diet, environment, stress level, and age all have effects on the affects any drug will have on you and a vaccine is a drug. Again, cancer can't be vaccinated against and the only 100% way to prevent it is to block off the cell from ever touching anything. Almost like freezing it but more like (not exactly, just for comparison) sealing it in epoxy. If it's specifically the ovaries and uterus they're targeting regardless if whether or not they're giving it to males too, it's intention is to sterilize and it's like a huge ass crack head (dr. tedro maybe?) is trying to increase the real witch hunt. The #UN needs to leave #WHO and join #NC, #NonagarchicCommunacracy. Skip over America and make it global and America can't fight back that well but i doubt there'd be much of a fight because to a degree it's like basically the same thing as american democracy and laws or rather how they should be minus congress and the vice president and dissecting the presidential slot to 9 but also increasing the time in between elections where they'll have ads AND i give more rules to other shit which will effect the ads.
    2 Comments 1 Shares 1398 Views 0 Reviews
  • If you have a child or sibling that's young and wants to play the games too, an adult can sit with them and play the games with them but I really do not want children on this site and related: With #nonagarchiccommunacracy all the places of worship (Catholic, christian, islam, satanic, maesoleums, etc) are getting either shut down and/or converted into recreational centers for any religion and the government makes websites for people to go to, listen to sermons, preaches, or whatever is involved and pray to themselves at home or with headphones at a library or school libraries and unless you go to that school you would have to pay to use it and only after the school day is over.
    If you have a child or sibling that's young and wants to play the games too, an adult can sit with them and play the games with them but I really do not want children on this site and related: With #nonagarchiccommunacracy all the places of worship (Catholic, christian, islam, satanic, maesoleums, etc) are getting either shut down and/or converted into recreational centers for any religion and the government makes websites for people to go to, listen to sermons, preaches, or whatever is involved and pray to themselves at home or with headphones at a library or school libraries and unless you go to that school you would have to pay to use it and only after the school day is over.
    For the record: twitbookit.net (like .com which is tucked away right now) is 21 and older. These games, most, are very simple and childish. I did not make them but bought them and am limited on money. It's been years and I've done this with no real help or donations. If any new comers want to donate games in zip just make sure it has no viruses or hacks and can be opened/played in an index.html page. I'm hoping the codes and crap slow down so i can figure out how to connect it all. Where there's a will there's a way.

    - Keke (uzimadmin)
    0 Comments 0 Shares 742 Views 0 Reviews
  • AND ALSO FOR THE RECORD THE ONLY WAY I WOULD "SUPPORT" TRUMP IS IF HE MADE ME VP. But then again congress could totally do that too because the way it's set up NOW the houses have the ability to choose a different vice president for the president than the president chose and it happened once like 100-120 years ago. late 1800 or early 1900s. See if I had my way and nonagarchic communacracy happened, there would be no congress and no vice president, 9 presidents but the voters only choose 5 out of no more than 15 and with no add-in votes...most voters would be happy no matter what, or kinda, because at least one of the people they choose would have made it into the 9. instead of every 4 years it would be every 20 years. You wouldnt be able to vote until you're 25...and so on. #nonagarchiccommunacracy and seriously those emails are illegal and how cute now the #demoncrats are trying to use the republicans instead. I didnt misspell that and demoncrats come in democrat, republican, and independent flavors. Green Party counts as an independent.
    AND ALSO FOR THE RECORD THE ONLY WAY I WOULD "SUPPORT" TRUMP IS IF HE MADE ME VP. But then again congress could totally do that too because the way it's set up NOW the houses have the ability to choose a different vice president for the president than the president chose and it happened once like 100-120 years ago. late 1800 or early 1900s. See if I had my way and nonagarchic communacracy happened, there would be no congress and no vice president, 9 presidents but the voters only choose 5 out of no more than 15 and with no add-in votes...most voters would be happy no matter what, or kinda, because at least one of the people they choose would have made it into the 9. instead of every 4 years it would be every 20 years. You wouldnt be able to vote until you're 25...and so on. #nonagarchiccommunacracy and seriously those emails are illegal and how cute now the #demoncrats are trying to use the republicans instead. I didnt misspell that and demoncrats come in democrat, republican, and independent flavors. Green Party counts as an independent.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1240 Views 0 Reviews